ORBX Germany South veröffentlicht

Low Fuel Man
Herkunft: Lindlar
Alter: 37
Homepage: german-flight-gro…
Beiträge: 2369
Dabei seit: 08 / 2009
Prozessor: Intel I7 7700K
Speicher: 16 GB
Grafikkarte: GTX 1080TI
Flugsimulator: Prepar3D v4.2
Anzahl meiner Flüge:

ORBX Germany South veröffentlicht

Gepostet: 01.10.2017 - 13:22 Uhr  ·  #1
Moin Moin,

die Jungs von ORBX haben Germany South veröffentlicht.


EU Germany South has been released!
Germany South continues the journey of FTX Regions into Europe’s heartland. A region that builds on from the success of Germany North. FTX Germany South covers ~76,559 square miles (~198,286 sq km) of densely populated terrain. The area extends from the border of Germany North and extends south to the borders of Switzerland and Austria. You can explore a wide variety of landscapes from the rolling hills, the Mittelgebirge down to the Alps; Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria being the leaders in the automobile and machinery manufacturing industries. The urban and historic metropolises of Cologne, Frankfurt and Munich and many others are realistically portrayed.
• Superb ground textures from local sources
• Hand-placed landclass covers every sq mile
• Custom autogen textures and objects
• FTX Global 3D night lighting effects
• Accurate roads, rivers, lakes, alley trees
• More than 116,000 individually placed powerline pylons
• More than 550 airports have been upgraded or added
• Custom models of more than 450 POIs of castles, churches, abbeys, dams, bridges, etc. a
• Photoreal “Cityscape lite” for Munich, Ulm, Passau, Lindau, Bamberg, Koblenz, Würzburg
• Photoreal sceneries of US Bases Ramstein and Grafenwöhr
• Photoreal Lake Constance details, open pit mines
• Photoreal alpine areas on southern Bavaria
• GES mesh is compiled at 20-m grid spacing (LOD11)


Kostet 54,95 AUD das sind ca. 37,00 EUR.

Es gibt dazu ein schönes Special wo ich direkt auch mal zugeschlagen habe :-)

Wenn ihr Germany South kauft und Germany North noch nicht besitzt, erhaltet ihr auf Germany North einen Rabatt von 50%

FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY - Purchase Germany South now and if you do not already own Germany North, you can purchase Germany North for 50% off. This offer is available from now until Sunday the 8th of October 2017 at 20:00 UTC. Please note that you will need to finalise your Germany South purchase prior to purchasing Germany North to receive the discount.
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